Motivate yourself to learn Python, a powerful programming language used by Google, Netflix, and Instagram.


5 reasons to learn Python How Money Works
Python is the new Java,” I read recently…

Why Choose Python

“Python is the new Java,” I read recently, and this statement stuck in my head (especially since I didn't quite understand what the author meant). Why Java? Why not the new C ++ or the new PHP - a scripting language that runs in interpretive mode?

Like the author of cv2.puttext, I hasten to clarify: Java is considered a universal language, enjoyable to learn, “works on all platforms”. It can be used to create computer, mobile and network applications, games, and for programming home applications.

Java is believed to be good for everything. But Python is Java's main contender in the competition for the best general purpose programming language. Why Python? There are 10 reasons why you should learn Python.

Python is a light language

It is easy to learn, it has a simple, intuitive syntax, that is, it is easy to write commands that the computer understands on it. The syntax of the commands resembles common expressions that people use on a daily basis, so the keywords are understandable for any beginner.

At the same time, these commands are similar to commands in other programming languages, so it is easier to move on to learning other languages ​​later.

Python - fast

I am not comparing the speed of Python to the speed of other programming languages ​​- you are of course ready to argue that there are faster ones. For a beginner, it is enough that it is faster than other interpreting languages as stated in Python.

You can quickly learn Python, and it's available out of the box: once you've installed it, you can start writing code right away. You type Python and you get the prompt >>>, which means "Write something, try me, come in!" There is no need to read anything about the choice of program, environment, translator versions.

If you don't want to install Python just yet, you can find the online version and get familiar with working in this language.

Python is productive

In the future, you will have to work with large amounts of data - collect them, analyze them, process them, use them. The more data you need to process, the more important it is to use resources wisely and write efficient code.

Python allows you to generate expressions and functions. Generators allow you to process data iteratively, element by element. Perhaps you didn't immediately appreciate this because you didn't notice that regular iterative processing requires creating lists.

Lists take up memory, and large lists take up a lot of memory. Generators allow you to collect data from a source, one element at a time, and their transfer is carried out through the entire data processing chain without storing an iterative list in memory.

Even if working with big data seems to you so far an abstraction, think, for example, that Donald Trump won the election thanks to the use of large data sets on voters.

Professional skills

There are many languages ​​for educational purposes such as Scratch or LOGO. With their help, you can understand the logic of programming, so some of them are used in schools, which is good. Although no matter how you advance in them, no one takes them seriously (of course, except for the teachers who teach them to their students).

Better get into Python. It is available, but it immediately immerses you in the world of real programming. We recomend to start from this awesome publication

Integrating Python with other languages? No problem. Additional solutions? Yes, there are many options. Jython is Java with Python included, IronPython is .NET with Python included.